Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta


Igniting Unlimited Potential

On any journey, it’s important to know where you’re going—and even more important to know how to get there.

Each year, Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta (BGCMA) helps some 7,000 kids navigate their way to a transformative destination defined by character, leadership development, academic achievement, and healthy lifestyles.

And as for the organization itself? Its “Formula for Impact” is its go-to roadmap for success.

BGCMA helps great futures take flight in 25 Clubs across 10 metro Atlanta counties, where its spaces are equipped with learning centers, game rooms, technology centers, fine arts facilities, full-court gyms, meeting rooms, athletic fields, and a dedicated area for teens. Inside these Clubs, purposeful programs and services nurture skills, confidence, citizenship, and drive in youth to navigate futures of their own making.

When the right programs are led by the right staff and are consistently attended by members across the 25 Club locations, the results are remarkable:

Character and Leadership:

  • 92% of members feel they can speak up for what is right, even if their friends disagree.

Academic Success

  • 91% of Club teens graduated from high school with a post-secondary placement opportunity

Healthy Lifestyles:

  • High school members are two times less likely to have ever used marijuana, and two times less likely to drink alcohol than their Georgia peers.

BGCMA is doubling down on its commitment to serve more kids, more often, with greater impact. The organization recently completed its Rising Together comprehensive campaign, directed by Coxe Curry, which passed its $27.5 million goal in less than two years. BGCMA will direct this infusion of community support toward its Rise 2025 strategic plan priorities, including Club enhancements, organizational capacity and innovation, reliable transportation to Clubs, academic success and social-emotional wellness in youth served, and the launch of The Tassopoulos Centers for Innovation & Excellence for new staff.

“Our role is to ignite the potential within the thousands of kids and teens that join our Clubs each day by creating safe, inclusive, and engaging environments,” said David Jernigan, BGCMA’s President and CEO. “As we look ahead, we see hope and opportunity—a future full of young leaders who strengthen their communities and the world. The RISE 2025 strategic plan and our Formula for Impact provide the blueprint to get us where we need to be.”


During the “Rising Together” campaign, we combined BGCMA’s world-changing ideas with our real-world strategies. With their goal met, their good work can have even greater impact. To learn more about the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta, visit


Project Chimps


L.E.A.D. Center For Youth